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Search all the published procurement notices, requests for expression interests and other procurement notices. Do a quick key word search and see what opportunities await you.

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How MRH e-Bids Portal Works?

Single Window for finding, previewing, purchasing and submission of electronic bids. Very easy to use with these steps

Inspect Bidding Documents

If you have a cursory look at our list of advertised bids or procurement notices and wish to submit a bid, first preview watermarked bidding documents.

Purchase Bidding Documents

After previewing/inspecting our published bidding documents and desire to take the next step, you can purchase bidding documents electronically.

Submit your Bid

You have purchased our bidding documents and completed all the required forms, the final stage is to submit your Technical and Financial Proposals

News about MRH e-Bids Portal

Stay up to date with progress on MRH electronic procurement and bid processing drive